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# Astro Actions v1
With the Astro actions, you can calculate sunrise and sunset DataTime values in rules.
Important: The action also requires the installation of the corresponding Astro 1.x binding.
# Examples
import java.util.Date
rule "Astro Action Example"
var Date current = now.toDate
var double lat = xx.xxxxxx
var double lon = xx.xxxxxx
logInfo("sunRiseStart: ", new DateTimeType(getAstroSunriseStart(current, lat, lon)).toString)
logInfo("sunRiseEnd: ", new DateTimeType(getAstroSunriseEnd(current, lat, lon)).toString)
logInfo("sunSetStart: ", new DateTimeType(getAstroSunsetStart(current, lat, lon)).toString)
logInfo("sunSetEnd: ", new DateTimeType(getAstroSunsetEnd(current, lat, lon)).toString)
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