This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 2.5. Go to the current stable version

# HABmin

HABmin is a modern, professional and portable user interface for openHAB, providing both user and administrative functions (e.g., sitemaps for users, and configuration utilities to aid setup).

# Features

  • Responsive. Should work well on all devices. Of course some functions may be removed or be difficult to use on small devices (e.g., the graphical rule editor).
  • Theme-able. Multiple themes are available - take your pick (currently 3 themes). If you want a different look, we're using bootswatch (opens new window) themes - vote for your favourite by raising an issue (opens new window).
  • Charting. Modern, fast charting of historical data.
  • Graphical rule editor. No need to learn rule syntax.
  • International support. Currently translated in English, Deutsch, Français. Add support for your language...
  • Available as native app for Android.

# Screenshots

The following images show a selection of screenshots. Note that the theme is user selectable, although most images are shown with a dark (slate) theme (except the mobile sitemap image).

Graphing a saved chart...


Editing a saved chart...


Editing rules (graphical editor)...


Editing rules (text editor)...


Dashboard view (Paper theme, French localisation)...


ZWave device configuration...


ZWave network routing diagram...


Sitemaps (mobile view using yeti theme)...
