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# Davis Binding v1

The openHAB Davis binding supports reading data from Davis weather stations. Most Davis weather stations should be supported.
The binding is based on the Serial Communication Reference Manual (opens new window) from Davis.
# Binding Configuration
The binding can be configured in the file services/davis.cfg
Connection type must be specified as either serial (using the property 'port') or ip (using the property 'hostName'). These are mutually exclusive and both must not be simultaneously configured.
Property | Default | Required | Description |
port | Yes if serial communication | The serial port of the Weather station | |
hostName | Yes if ip communication | HostName of the Weather station | |
refresh | 10000 | No | The refresh interval (in milliseconds) |
readResponseWaitTime | 200 | 1000 | No |
# Item Configuration
Item bindings should conform to this format:
The following table defines the allowable values for <value-key>
Value-Key |
bar_trend |
barometer |
console_battery_voltage |
dew_point |
firmware_date |
firmware_version |
heat_index |
inside_humidity |
inside_temp |
last_15min_rain |
last_24h_rain |
last_hour_rain |
outside_humidity |
outside_temp |
rain_rate |
receivers |
rx_count_consecutive |
rx_count_crc |
rx_count_missed |
rx_count_resync |
rx_count_total |
solar_radiation |
station_type |
thsw_index |
time |
transmitter_battery_status |
uv |
wind_chill |
wind_direction |
wind_direction_10min__gust |
wind_speed |
wind_speed_10min_avg |
wind_speed_10min_avg_hires |
wind_speed_10min_gust_hires |
wind_speed_2min_avg_hires |
# Examples
String StationType "StationType: [%s]" { davis="station_type" }
Number Receivers "Receivers: [%.0f]" { davis="receivers" }
Number TransmitterBattery "Transmitter Battery [%.1f]" { davis="transmitter_battery_status" }
Number ConsoleBattVoltage "Console Battery [%.2f V]" { davis="console_battery_voltage" }
DateTime Date "Date [%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" { davis="time" }
Number InsideTemp "Inside Temp [%.1f °C ]" { davis="inside_temp" }
Number OutsideTemp "Outside Temp [%.1f °C ]" { davis="outside_temp" }
Number DewPoint "Dew Point [%.1f °C ]" { davis="dew_point" }
Number HeatIndex "Heat Index [%.1f °C ]" { davis="heat_index" }
Number WindChill "Wind Chill [%.1f °C ]" { davis="wind_chill" }
Number THSWIndex "THSW Index[%.1f °C ]" { davis="thsw_index" }
Number InsideHumidity "Inside Humidity [%.0f %% ]" { davis="inside_humidity" }
Number OutsideHumidity "Outside Humidity [%.0f %% ]" { davis="outside_humidity" }
String BarTrend "Barometer Trend [%s]" { davis="bar_trend" }
Number Barometer "Barometer [%.0f hPa]" { davis="barometer" }
Number WindSpeed "Wind Speed [%.1f km/h]" { davis="wind_speed" }
Number WindSpeed10minAvg "Wind Speed 10min Avg [%.1f km/h]" { davis="wind_speed_10min_avg" }
Number WindDirection "Wind Direction [%.0f °]" { davis="wind_direction" }
Number WindSpeed10minHiRes "Wind Speed 10min Avg HiRes [%.1f km/h]" { davis="wind_speed_10min_avg_hires" }
Number WindSpeed2minHiRes "Wind Speed 10min Avg HiRes [%.1f km/h]" { davis="wind_speed_2min_avg_hires" }
Number WindSpeed10minGustHiRes "Wind Speed 10min Avg HiRes [%.1f km/h]" { davis="wind_speed_10min_gust_hires" }
Number WindDirectionGust "Wind Direction Gust [%.0f °]" { davis="wind_direction_10min__gust" }
Number RainRate "Rain Rate [%.1f mm/h ]" { davis="rain_rate" }
Number Rain15min "Rain Rate [%.1f mm/h ]" { davis="last_15min_rain" }
Number Rainlast1h "Rain Rate [%.1f mm/h ]" { davis="last_hour_rain" }
Number Rainlast24h "Rain Rate [%.1f mm/h ]" { davis="last_24h_rain" }
Number UVIndex "UV Index [%.1f ]" { davis="uv" }
Number Solar "Solar Radiation [%.0f W/m²]" { davis="solar_radiation" }
String firmware_date "Firmware Date: [%s]" { davis="firmware_date" }
String firmware_version "Firmware Version: [%s]" { davis="firmware_version" }
String rx_total "RX Packets total: [%s]" { davis="rx_count_total" }
String rx_missed "RX Packets missed: [%s]" { davis="rx_count_missed" }
String rx_resync "RX Resyncs: [%s]" { davis="rx_count_resync" }
String rx_consec "RX Packets received in a row without error: [%s]" { davis="rx_count_consecutive" }
String rx_crc "RX Packets CRC failes: [%s]" { davis="rx_count_crc" }
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