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# Heatmiser Binding v1

The Heatmiser binding allows you to control Heatmiser RS-422 network thermostats (also sold under other names). The binding communicates via TCP/IP to an RS-422 adaptor that links to the thermostats.
# Binding Configuration
This binding can be configured in the file services/heatmiser.cfg
Property | Default | Required | Description |
refresh | 2000 | No | frequency in milliseconds to poll each thermostat that is configured in your items. It automatically detects the type of thermostats; this is not set in the items. |
address | Yes | IP address for the Heatmiser interface | |
port | Yes | port number for the Heatmiser interface |
# Item Configuration
Item strings simply consist of two components: the thermostat address (as set in the thermostat), and the parameter within the thermostat. Some examples are below.
Switch HallThermostat_Enable "Hall Heating Enable [%s]" { heatmiser="1:ONOFF" }
Number HallThermostat_RoomTemp "Hall Heating Temperature [%.1f °C]" { heatmiser="1:ROOMTEMP" }
Number HallThermostat_SetTemp "Hall Heating Setpoint [%.1f °C]" { heatmiser="1:SETTEMP" }
String HallThermostat_HeatState "Hall Heating State [%s]" { heatmiser="1:HEATSTATE" }
Switch HallThermostat_HWEnable "Hot Water Heating Enable [%s]" { heatmiser="1:WATERSTATE" }
The following parameters, and their associated item types are shown below. The R and RW in the description column indicate which parameters are read only (RO) or read/write (RW).
Parameter | Type Supported | Description |
SETTEMP | Number, String | RW Temperature control setting |
RUNMODE | Number, String | RW - |
FROSTTEMP | Number, String | RW Frost temperature |
ROOMTEMP | Number, String | RO Current room temperature |
FLOORTEMP | Number, String | RO Floor temperature |
HOLDTIME | Switch, DateTime | RO Current hold time (in minutes) |
HOLIDAYTIME | Switch, DateTime | RO Holiday time remaining (in days) |
HOLIDAYSET | Number, Switch | RW Sets the holiday time (in days) |
HOLDMODE | Switch | RO Returns ON or OFF if the thermostat is in hold mode |
HOLIDAYMODE | Switch | RO Returns ON or OFF if the thermostat is currently in holiday mode |
WATERSTATE | Switch, String | RW Returns ON or OFF if the hot water is currently heating |
HEATSTATE | Switch, String | RO Returns ON or OFF if the thermostat is currently heating |
STATE | Switch, String | RO This is a consolidated thermostat state and maybe one of the following - OFF, ON, HOLD, HOLIDAY |
ONOFF | Switch, String | RW Returns ON or OFF if the thermostat is enabled or not |
# Example Sitemap
Below is an example sitemap for a Heatmiser thermostat. This includes conditional visibility of items dependant on the thermostat state.
Frame label="Lounge Thermostat" {
Switch item=LoungeThermostat_Enable label="Lounge Thermostat Enable"
Text item=LoungeThermostat_HeatState visibility=[LoungeThermostat_State==ON,LoungeThermostat_State==HOLD]
Text item=LoungeThermostat_HolidayTime visibility=[LoungeThermostat_State==HOLIDAY]
Setpoint item=LoungeThermostat_FrostTemp label="Lounge Frost Temperature [%d °C]" minValue=10 maxValue=18 step=1 visibility=[LoungeThermostat_State==HOLIDAY]
Setpoint item=LoungeThermostat_SetTemp label="Lounge Setpoint [%d °C]" minValue=14 maxValue=25 step=1 visibility=[LoungeThermostat_State==ON,LoungeThermostat_State==HOLD]
Text item=LoungeThermostat_FloorTemp valuecolor=[>28="red",>26.5="orange",>18="green", >16="orange", <=16="red"]
Text item=LoungeThermostat_RoomTemp valuecolor=[>28="red",>26.5="orange",>18="green", >16="orange", <=16="red"]
Setpoint item=LoungeThermostat_HolidaySet label="Lounge heating holiday days [%d]" minValue=0 maxValue=30 step=1
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