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# myStrom Binding

This extension adds support for the myStrom devices. Currently only the smart plug is implemented.
# Supported Things
This bundle adds the following thing types:
Thing | ThingTypeID | Description |
myStrom Smart Plug | mystromplug | A myStrom smart plug |
# Discovery
This extension does not support autodiscovery. The things need to be added manually.
# Thing Configuration
The following parameters are valid for all thing types:
Parameter | Type | Required | Default if omitted | Description |
hostname | string | yes | localhost | The IP address or hostname of the myStrom smart plug |
refresh | integer | no | 10 | Poll interval in seconds. Increase this if you encounter connection errors |
# Channels
Channel ID | Item Type | Read only | Description |
switch | Switch | false | Turn the smart plug on or off |
power | Number:Power | true | The currently delivered power |
temperature | Number:Temperature | true | The temperature at the plug |
# Full Example
# Thing Configuration
Thing mystrom:mystromplug:d6217a31 "Plug" [hostname="hostname|ip"]
# Item Configuration
Switch PlugSwitch "Plug" {channel="mystrom:mystromplug:d6217a31:switch"}
Number:Temperature PlugTemperature "Temperature: [%.1f °C]" {channel="mystrom:mystromplug:d6217a31:temperature"}
Number:Power PlugPower "Power: [%.1f W]" {channel="mystrom:mystromplug:d6217a31:power"}
# Sitemap Configuration
Frame label="myStrom Plug" {
Switch item=PlugSwitch
Text item=PlugTemperature
Text item=PlugPower
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