This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 2.5. Go to the current stable version

# Plex Binding v1

This binding supports multiple clients connected to a Plex Media Server (opens new window). With this binding, it's possible to dim your lights when a video starts playing, for example. Here's a short demo video (opens new window).

Most changes are pushed to the binding using web sockets. Polling (and the corresponding refresh interval) is only applicable to the online/offline status of clients.

# Binding Configuration

If you have Plex Home enabled, you need to fill in your (opens new window) username/password or the Plex token (opens new window).

This binding can be configured in the file services/plex.cfg.

Property Default Required Description
host Yes IP address or hostname of the Plex server
port 32400 No port that the Plex server is running on
refresh 5000 No refresh interval in milliseconds
username see description If you're using Plex Home you need to supply the username and password of your Plex account here. If you don't want to enter your credentials you can also directly set your account token below instead.
password see description see above
token see description see above

# Item Configuration

All bound items use the following format:


A Plex server can have multiple clients. You'll have to find the <client-id> of your Plex client yourself. This can be found by signing into (opens new window) and then visiting (opens new window). It's listed as Device -> clientIdentifier here.

Alternatively, you can lookup the client ID on your local server:

  • Client list: http://<plex server ip>:<port>/clients (Server -> machineIdentifier)
  • Sessions list: http://<plex server ip>:<port>/status/sessions (Player -> machineIdentifier)

You may need to start a video in your client first before it shows up in one of those local server URL's.

The following properties are available:

Property Type Description
power Switch Power status of the player (online or offline)
state String Status of player, values: Stopped, Buffering, Playing, Paused
title String Title of the media playing
type String Media type, values: movie, episode and more (opens new window)
playback/cover String Holds the URL to the cover image for the media that is currently playing
playback/progress Dimmer Progress of the media playing
playback/endTime DateTime Time at which the media that is playing will end
playback/volume Dimmer Volume (increase/decrease or decimaltype)
playback/pause Switch Pause
playback/play Switch Play
playback/playpause Switch PlayPause, toggle between play/pause depending on player state
playback/stop Switch Stop
navigation/select Switch Select
navigation/back Switch Back
navigation/moveUp Switch Up
navigation/moveDown Switch Down
navigation/moveLeft Switch Left
navigation/moveRight Switch Right
playback/stepForward Switch Skip forward
playback/stepBack Switch Skip reverse

Note: not all Plex clients support all properties. Status properties work on all platforms, except for the power property in the web client. Navigation commands are not support by the Android nor the web client.

# Examples


# IP address or hostname of the Plex server <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>

# Optional, port that the Plex server is running on. Default = 32400 <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>

# Refresh interval in ms. Default = 5000.  <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>

# If you're using Plex Home you need to supply the username and password of your <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>
# Plex account here. If you don't want to enter your credentials you can also <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>
# directly set your account token below instead.  <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>
#username=Plex username

# Plex password <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>
#password=Plex password

# Plex account token, use instead of username/password when using Plex Home.  <Badge type="warn" text="v1"/>


Switch PlexTVPower	"Power"         <video>		{plex="playerid#power"}
String PlexTVStatus	"Status [%s]"	<video>		{plex="playerid#state"}
String PlexTVTitle	"Title [%s]"	<video>		{plex="playerid#title"}
String PlexTVType	"Type [%s]"		<video>		{plex="playerid#type"}
String PlexTVCover	"Cover"			<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/cover"}

Dimmer PlexTVProgress   "Progress [%.1f%%]"    <video>    {plex="playerid#playback/progress"}
DateTime PlexTVEndTime  "End time [%1$tR]"     <video>    {plex="playerid#playback/endTime"}

Dimmer PlexTVVolume	"Volume"		<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/volume"}
Switch PlexTVPause	"Pause"			<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/pause"}
Switch PlexTVPlay	"Play"			<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/play"}
Switch PlexTVPlayPause	"PlayPause"		<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/playpause"}
Switch PlexTVStop	"Stop"			<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/stop"}

Switch PlexTVSelect	"Select"		<video>		{plex="playerid#navigation/select"}
Switch PlexTVBack	"Back"			<video>		{plex="playerid#navigation/back"}
Switch PlexTVUp		"Up"			<video>		{plex="playerid#navigation/moveUp"}
Switch PlexTVDown	"Down"			<video>		{plex="playerid#navigation/moveDown"}
Switch PlexTVLeft	"Left"			<video>		{plex="playerid#navigation/moveLeft"}
Switch PlexTVRight	"Right"			<video>		{plex="playerid#navigation/moveRight"}

Switch PlexTVForward	"Forward"		<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/stepForward"}
Switch PlexTVReverse	"Reverse"		<video>		{plex="playerid#playback/stepBack"}


sitemap plexdemo label="Main Menu"
	Frame {
		Switch item=PlexTVPower
		Text item=PlexTVStatus
        Slider item=PlexTVProgress visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"] 
		Setpoint item=PlexTVProgress visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"] minValue=0 maxValue=100 step=1
		Text item=PlexTVEndTime visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"]
		Text item=PlexTVTitle visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"]
		Text item=PlexTVType visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"]
		Switch item=PlexTVPause
		Switch item=PlexTVPlay
		Switch item=PlexTVPlayPause mappings=[ON="▐ ▌"]
		Switch item=PlexTVStop mappings=[ON="Stop"]
		Slider item=PlexTVVolume
		Switch item=PlexTVSelect mappings=[ON="Select"]
		Switch item=PlexTVBack mappings=[ON="Back"]
		Switch item=PlexTVUp mappings=[ON="⬆"]
		Switch item=PlexTVDown mappings=[ON="⬇"]
		Switch item=PlexTVLeft mappings=[ON="⬅"]
		Switch item=PlexTVRight mappings=[ON="➡"]
		Switch item=PlexTVForward mappings=[ON="⤏"]
		Switch item=PlexTVReverse mappings=[ON="⤎"]


import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.*

val Functions$Function1 dimLiving = [ int dimlevel | 
	var boolean scene = (Scene_Living.state == 11); 
	 // Only dim lights when a certain scene is selected
    if(scene) {

rule "Lights on when paused or stopped"
    Item PlexTVStatus changed to Paused or 
    Item PlexTVStatus changed to Stopped
	logInfo("PlexLight", "Play to pause")

rule "Lights dimmed when playing"
	Item PlexTVStatus changed to Playing  
	logInfo("PlexLight", "Pause to play")	