This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 2.5. Go to the current stable version
# Samsung Smartthings Binding

This binding integrates the Samsung Smartthings Hub into openHAB. This is implemented as an openHAB 2 binding.
# Supported things
This binding supports most of the Smartthings devices that are defined in the Smartthings Capabilities list (opens new window). If you find a device that doesn't work follow these instructions to collect the required data so it can be added in a future release.
# Discovery
Discovery allows openHAB to examine a binding and automatically find the Things available on that binding. Discovery is supported by the Smartthings binding and is run automatically on startup.
# Smartthings Configuration
Prior to running the binding the Smartthings hub must have the required openHAB software installed. Follow these instructions
The binding will not work until this part has been completed, do not skip this part of the setup.
# openHAB Configuration
This binding is an openHAB binding and uses the Bridge / Thing design with the Smartthings Hub being the Bridge and the controlled modules being the Things. The following definitions are specified in the .things file.
# Bridge Configuration
The bridge requires the IP address and port used to connect the openHAB server to the Smartthings Hub.
Bridge smartthings:smartthings:Home [ smartthingsIp="", smartthingsPort=39500 ] {
- smartthings:smartthings:Home identifies this is a smartthings hub named Home. The first two segments must be smartthings:smartthings. You can choose any unique name for the the last segment. The last segment is used when you identify items connected to this hubthingTypeId.
- smartthingsIp is the IP address of the Smartthings Hub. Your router should be configured such that the Smartthings Hub is always assigned to this IP address.
- smartthingsPort is the port the Smartthings hub listens on. 39500 is the port assigned by Smartthings so it should be used unless you have a good reason for using another port.
Warning This binding only supports one Bridge. If you try to configure a second bridge it will be ignored.
# Thing Configuration
Each attached thing must specify the type of device and it's Smartthings device name. The format of the Thing description is:
Thing <thingTypeId> name [ smartthingsName="<deviceName>", {smartthingsTimeout=<timeout>} ]
- thingTypeId (opens new window) corresponds to the "Preferences Reference" in the Smartthings Capabilities document but without the capability. prefix. i.e. A dimmer switch in the Capabilities document has a Preferences reference of capability.switchLevel, therefore the <thingTypeId> is switchLevel.
- name is what you want to call this thing and is used in defining the items that use this thing.
- deviceName is the name you assigned to the device when you discovered and connected to it in the Smartthings App
- Optional: timeout is how long openHAB will wait for a response to the request before throwing a timeout exception. The default is 3 seconds.
Bridge smartthings:smartthings:Home [ smartthingsIp="", smartthingsPort=39500 ] {
Thing switchLevel KitchenLights [ smartthingsName="Kitchen lights" ]
Thing contactSensor MainGarageDoor [ smartthingsName="Garage Door Open Sensor" ]
Thing temperatureMeasurement MainGarageTemp [ smartthingsName="Garage Door Open Sensor" ]
Thing battery MainGarageBattery [ smartthingsName="Garage Door Open Sensor" ]
Thing switch OfficeLight [ smartthingsName="Office Light", smartthingsTimeout=7 ]
Thing valve SimulatedValve [ smartthingsName="Simulated Valve" ]
# Items
These are specified in the .items file. This section describes the specifics related to this binding. Please see the Items documentation (opens new window) for a full explanation of configuring items.
The most important thing is getting the channel specification correct. The general format is:
{ channel="smartthings:<thingTypeId>:<hubName>:<thingName>:<channelId>" }
The parts (separated by 😃 are defined as:
- smartthings to specify this is a smartthings device
- thingTypeId specifies the type of the thing you are connecting to. This is the same as described in the last section.
- hubName identifies the name of the hub specified above. This corresponds to the third segment in the Bridge definition.
- thingName identifes the thing this is attached to and is the "name" you specified in the Thing definition.
- channelId corresponds the the attribute in the Smartthings Capabilities list (opens new window). For switch it would be "switch".
Dimmer KitchenLights "Kitchen lights level" <slider> { channel="smartthings:switchLevel:Home:KitchenLights:level" }
Switch KitchenLightSwitch "Kitchen lights switch" <light> { channel="smartthings:switchLevel:Home:KitchenLights:switch" }
Contact MainGarageDoor "Garage door status [%s]" <garagedoor> { channel="smartthings:contactSensor:Home:MainGarageDoor:contact" }
Number MainGarageTemp "Garage temperature [%.0f]" <temperature> { channel="smartthings:temperatureMeasurement:Home:MainGarageTemp:temperature" }
Number MainGarageBattery "Garage battery [%.0f]" <battery> { channel="smartthings:battery:Home:MainGarageBattery:battery" }
Switch OfficeLight "Office light" <light> { channel="smartthings:switch:Home:OfficeLight:switch" }
String SimulatedValve "Simulated valve" { channel="smartthings:valve:Home:SimulatedValve:valve" }
Special note about Valves Smarttings includes a valve which can be Open or Closed but openHAB does not include a Valve item type. Therefore, the valve is defined as a having an item type of String. And, therefore the item needs to be defined with an item type of string. It can be controlled in the sitemap by specifying the Element type of Switch and providing a mapping of: mappings=[open="Open", closed="Close"]. Such as:
Switch item=SimulatedValve mappings=[open="Open", closed="Close"]
RGB Bulb example Here is a sample configuration for a RGB bulb, such as a Sengled model E11-N1EA bulb. Currently this binding does not have a RGB specific bulb therefore a Thing is required for each part of the bulb.
things file
colorControl SengledColorControl [ smartthingsName="Sengled Bulb"]
colorTemperature SengledColorTemperature [ smartthingsName="Sengled Bulb"]
switch SengledSwitch [ smartthingsName="Sengled Bulb"]
switchLevel SengledSwitchLevel [ smartthingsName="Sengled Bulb"]
items file
Color SengledColorControl "Sengled bulb color" <colorpicker> {channel="smartthings:colorControl:Home:SengledColorControl:color"}
Number SengledTemperature "Sengled bulb color temperature" {channel="smartthings:colorTemperature:Home:SengledColorTemperature:colorTemperature"}
Switch SengledSwitch "Sengled bulb switch" <switch> {channel="smartthings:switch:Home:SengledSwitch:switch"}
Dimmer SengledDimmer "Sengled bulb dimmer" <slider> {channel="smartthings:switchLevel:Home:SengledSwitchLevel:level"}
sitemap file
Frame label="Sengled RGBW Bulb" {
Switch item=SengledSwitch label="Switch"
Slider item=SengledDimmer label="Level [%d]"
Text item=SengledTemperature label="Color Temperature [%d]"
Colorpicker item=SengledColorControl label="Color [%s]" icon="colorwheel"