This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 2.5. Go to the current stable version
# xPL Binding v1
The xPL binding grabs xPL message values in items and sends xPL commands.
# Prerequisites
The xPL Bundle relies on Gerry Duprey's xPL4Java (opens new window) Library. The library is packaged in the bundle, then you won't need to install it - but in order to make it work, you'll need a working xPL Hub on the openHAB server (you will find all needed information on the xPL Project (opens new window) website.)
# Binding Configuration
This binding can be configured in the file services/xpl.cfg
Property | Default | Required | Description |
instance | Yes | some machine name |
# Item Configuration
Item types can be:
- Switch
- Number
- String
They allow to receive/send commands (#COMMAND parameter) and to grab current values in xPL messages (#CURRENT parameter).
Switch testswitch "testswitch" {xpl="*,command,ac.basic,device=0x0a2b,unit=0,command=#COMMAND"}
//Will broadcast (* address| vendor-device.instance) an xPL message in response of sendCommand(testxplswitch, [ON | OFF])
Number testxpltemp "testxpltemp" {xpl="*,status,sensor.basic,device=0x0a2x,type=temp,current=#CURRENT"}
//Will get "current" value in the body for the message matching xpl-stat/sensor.basic/device=0x0a2x,type=temp
String testxplstr "testxplstr" {xpl="*,status,sensor.basic,device=outside,type=temp,current=#CURRENT"}
//Will get "current" value in the body for the message matching xpl-stat/sensor.basic/device=0x0a2x,type=temp
xPL messages can be caught multiple times in multiple items (grabbing different parts of the message).
String LivingRoom_Player_Kind "Xmbc [%s]" (LivingRoom) {xpl="*,status,media.mptrnspt,mp=xbmc,kind=#COMMAND"}
String LivingRoom_Player_Status "Xmbc [%s]" (LivingRoom) {xpl="*,status,media.mptrnspt,mp=xbmc,command=#COMMAND"}